Whether it’s a new build or an existing one, an underperforming structure can quickly turn costly for owners. Honest, investigative analysis and technical expertise reduce the risk of structural failures and help prevent catastrophic events and loss.
We can cite many instances where clients saved more money because of our thorough analysis and thoughtful synthesis of data than they paid for our services. By engaging us early in a new project or at first sign of your building’s structural deterioration, you can avoid or address serviceability issues with the safest and most economical solution.
Expedite program discussions, special inspections and decision-making with expert consultants to guide you and certified engineers to validate cause and origin.
Assessment of the structural practicality of a proposed project with consideration for constraints such as building code requirements, capacity of existing building components, project budget, and constructability.
Source: https://www.structuremag.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/C-StructForum-Stuart-Aug101.pdf
System Specific (Balconies, Railings)
Florida Condo Safety Bill
Miami-Dade & Broward Counties
City of Boca Raton
Other Local Jurisdictions
Assisting property owners, insurance companies, insurance adjusters, or attorneys in evaluating and understanding damaged structures, including cause and origin determination.
Aiding in the resolution of claims and disputes related to building structures. Investigative peer review, code and standard-of-care review, advanced analysis and modeling.
For buildings exposed to the elements (such as parking garages, coastal properties, and those exposed to corrosive environments) a regular maintenance program is a necessity to keep the systems functioning as intended. Failure to maintain a building structure can lead to premature degradation, unnecessary costly repairs, and shortening of the useful service life. A regular program of preventative maintenance and light repairs can be planned with to extend the service life and mitigate or prevent more costly repairs.
Even well-maintained buildings, not directly exposed to elements, will experience some distress with age, and many buildings exceed their intended service design life but remain in operation. A proactive approach to repair projects while repair scope remains minor is an effective way to ward off further degradation and serious repairs or, worse, failure/collapse.
Concrete repair in particular is an industry where ineffective repair is all too common and “band-aids” cover signs of distress without actually addressing the root issue.
An effective repair project needs to consider the required structural performance, of course, but also needs to provide appropriate protection of embedded items (rebar), be appropriate for the application within given constraints, be designed for durability and longevity to remain effective, and consider aesthetics/appearance of the repair if in an exposed condition.
Wind Mitigation Inspections
Site Specific Hazard Analysis & Resilience Study