THE PROJECT: A truly impressive sight, the Climate Ribbon is an elegant architectural element constructed of glass and fabric that twists and turns around Brickell City Center at various levels. This fast-track project took nine months from beginning of design to the last shoring tower was unhooked. Though speed wasn’t the driving factor for this project, it was essential to have an expert understanding of the necessary matrix of forces and how to temporarily support and deliver loads to this incredibly complex structure throughout construction.
OUR SOLUTION: We worked with the builder on the sequence of building the ribbon and how to shore it in stages, because it had to be built in pieces and would not be structurally stable until complete. We provided loads-imposed analysis of the shoring tower loads onto the structure being built. Working closely with the builder, we designed and inspected 58 shoring towers in total that allowed them to safely and securely construct the Climate Ribbon structure from beginning to end.