THE PROJECT: Chronic serviceability issues with high-bay crane systems in their manufacturing facility led the owner to contact Jezerinac Group to determine the root cause of the problem and recommend a solution. The building houses a 1.1 million-square-foot manufacturing facility for stamped and pressed automobile body parts.
OUR SOLUTION: We provided a comprehensive structural conditions assessment and investigation, revealing an extensive crane misalignment issue. Our investigation of the manufacturing facility consisted of a comprehensive drawing and specification review, structural observation, structural analysis, a full-scale geotechnical investigation and instrumentation. The geotechnical study included both standard and cone penetration testing. Accelerometers were used to determine structural movement, which provided imperative insights into the potential issues. With the completion of the investigation, Jezerinac Group compiled their findings into a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary report. This report served as a valuable resource for the facility owner, providing them with a clear understanding of the problem and the recommended course of action.
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