THE PROJECT: In preparation for future deployment of the new Space Launch System (SLS)—NASA’s most powerful rocket ever built—the storied Launch Complex 39-B required significant retrofit and upgrades to its Environmental Control System (ECS).
These upgrades included the support of a new cooling tower, massive new ducts within the ECS Room and the Stub Tower, the retrofit of the GN2 access platform, and the retrofit of the Stub Tower on top of the launchpad, which connects the ECS Room with the Mobile Launcher (ML).
OUR SOLUTION: All elements require the design to adhere to NASA’s highly demanding documentation and design standards, including blast resistance for elevated blast forces created by the new SLS rockets. Jezerinac Group engineers used the Revit BIM software suite to coordinate all structural members, both new and existing, with the labyrinth of new and existing ductwork within the ECS Room and the Stub Tower.