THE PROJECT: A first of its kind, this highly sustainable production facility manufactures single-use paper products from a by-product of sugar cane. A multi-building complex featuring both office and production area, this project required the support and coordination of tanks, piping, and other elements critical to the manufacturing process within pulping and molding buildings.
OUR SOLUTION: With speed to market being top of mind, this project used a design/build delivery method. The complex network of piping, conveyors, catwalks, tank supports and more, required heavy coordination between our structural system design and all processing elements. Our team used SolidWorks BIM software to model the innerworkings of the facility, placing our structural system design around this model to ensure zero conflicts within these sustainable steel buildings.
Jezerinac Group also performed Special Inspections Services for the project. By conducting the required post-construction inspection, we ensured compliance with building codes for all structural elements and saved the owner the extra step of municipal inspections.